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6 steps to quit drinking on your own

At the very least, you want to get your drinking habits and health under control. In this post, I’ll show you how to stop drinking using simple techniques, mindset shifts, and relying on the support systems around you. There are effective treatment approaches that can help you quit, so talk to your doctor or a mental health professional if you need more help finding options that will work for you. One of the best places to find support outside of your network of family and friends is at support groups, like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). People in AA are either working to become sober or are in recovery.

I’ll most likely find myself Sober Houses Rules That You Should Follow identifying with “sometimes” drinking. Whatever happens, I’m letting my body and intuition take the lead. As you prepare your plan to quit drinking, make a list of the barriers that might be standing in your way and brainstorm ways to deal with these problems. Potential solutions might include looking for low-cost treatment options, joining a support group, and talking to a mental health professional. Since alcohol is relatively easy to get, legal to consume for those 21 and older, and is somewhat socially acceptable, it is one of the most widely-used intoxicating substances.

how to quit drinking

Change how you think about drinking & alcohol

I explain addiction’s connection to dopamine and isolation, and how developing a new identity away from alcohol was crucial. My story highlights that overcoming addiction requires both neurological understanding and rebuilding connections - insights that have resonated with millions seeking recovery. Going from a life of drinking to a life in recovery from alcoholism can be challenging.

But it could also be helpful to make new social contacts based around an interest such as a sport, the arts, or other activities you enjoy. Perreault K, Bauman A, Johnson N, Britton A, Rangul V, Stamatakis E. Does physical activity moderate the association between alcohol drinking and all-cause, cancer and cardiovascular diseases mortality? Sunnyside uses a psychology-based approach to help you drink more mindfully, no matter what your goal is. You'll get a 100% custom plan, then daily texts to track your progress and help you stay on target. Prepare yourself for those times when someone is going to offer you a drink. You might also hold onto a nonalcoholic drink instead, ask a friend to support you in difficult situations or simply exit early if temptation gets too strong, the NIAAA suggests.

how to quit drinking

Rather than quitting cold turkey, which could lead to severe (maybe even fatal) withdrawal symptoms, tapering is a slower reduction of alcohol over time. Drinking less each day can help you eventually achieve alcohol abstinence or drinking moderation. If your body is used to a certain amount of alcohol, you may feel certain effects when you stop. How you feel when you stop drinking is largely based on how often and how heavily you drink.

Why Choose Inpatient Detox for Alcohol Recovery

For some people, it can be helpful to wear something like a bracelet to always have a reminder on hand when you need it. Practicing your refusal ahead of time can help you feel more comfortable and confident when you find yourself in a situation that involves alcohol. Letting others know about your choice to stop drinking may help motivate you to stick with your decision.

Use resources by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

  • Alcohol recovery is a process—one that often involves setbacks.
  • Join a gym, learn a new skill, or find sober social groups you can enjoy.
  • You don’t have to leave the house to get support from other people who understand and respect what you’re trying to do.
  • I won’t lie to you and say that it’s guaranteed that you’ll have a large support network.
  • I have been enjoying Athletic Brewing, Ghia, Dry Wit, and Heineken 0.0.

Your anxiety will decrease, your skin will look better and you may lose weight. You may have some negative stereotypes about people who drink too much. Still, addiction and binge-drinking are health issues that can affect anyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends women drink no more than one alcoholic beverage per day.

  • But we know you can find a healthier, happier way to live with the right tools and support system.
  • You can use sticky notes, a journal, or even a digital document.
  • This post will show you how to take a break from booze so you can get your physical, emotional, and mental health in order.
  • Discover the effectiveness of short-term rehabilitation for addiction, customized recovery programs, and goal setting.

By being aware of this potential change, however, you can reframe it as a positive, Dr. Wakeman says. Now, post–Dry January, you might get the same effect from, say, one or two drinks in a sitting, which would be a win for both your health and your wallet. Your doctor will tailor your treatment plan to your needs. If your body is physically dependent on alcohol, you may be in danger of withdrawal. If someone you love has decided to try to reduce their drinking, what can you do to support them on the path to a healthier relationship with alcohol? It begins by changing our thinking about heavy drinking; thinking that is often flawed and based in outdated myths and beliefs about how best to manage an alcohol problem.

Develop and lean on a support system

If you or a loved one is wanting to know how to quit alcohol and stop drinking for long-term sobriety, seeking professional help can make all the difference. Our admissions navigators are available to speak with you about treatment options 24/7. Call our hotline at  fill out the form at the bottom of this page to start your journey toward recovery today.

Whether you want to quit drinking altogether or cut down to healthier levels, these guidelines can help you get started on the road to recovery today. If you’re living with alcohol use disorder, quitting drinking is important for your health. But quitting on your own can pose risks to your health and is unlikely to be successful. Rehabilitation facilities can help you on your path to sobriety by addressing alcohol withdrawal symptoms and becoming involved in sober living support groups, like AA. To lay the groundwork for better drinking habits, start by defining your personal goals and motivations for quitting. Work with healthcare professionals who can guide you through withdrawal and treatment options.

Others need medical supervision in order to withdraw from alcohol safely and comfortably. Which option is best for you depends on how much you’ve been drinking, how long you’ve had a problem, the stability of your living situation, and other health issues you may have. Write your drinking goal down and keep it where you will frequently see it, such as on your phone or taped to your refrigerator. AA and other support groups can be helpful in quitting drinking, but you can find assistance in other ways.

how to quit drinking

The best way to stop drinking is the one that’s most helpful for you. The practical methods and tactics below are some of the ways people find success in quitting alcohol. One of the significant reasons to quit drinking is that doing so can help reduce depression and anxiety symptoms while enhancing self-esteem. Quitting drinking can also help you improve your control over anger if you've experienced problems with rage and alcohol. Medical experts now use the term “alcohol use disorder” rather than “alcohol abuse” to address the concern of excessive drinking. Within just a month of not drinking, your body can begin to reap the benefits.

Group therapy, led by a therapist, can give you the benefits of therapy along with the support of other members. Alcoholism is a common and different term for alcohol use disorder. Milder cases -- when people abuse alcohol but aren’t dependent on it -- are as well. “Using a medication such as naltrexone increases the overall chances that people can cut down or quit,” Lee said.

  • Learning about your options can help you decide what might work best for you.
  • Every episode is packed with tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.
  • You’ll probably notice your mood stabilizing, Dr. Prylinski says.
  • Cravings for alcohol can be intense, particularly in the first six months after you quit drinking.
  • You may not think about this constantly, but it’s in the back of every drinker’s mind.

Measure your drinks.

It ends up as torture and misery, and ‘old habits’ die hard but as we explain this is not a habit. The way to freedom is to change the way you think about alcohol so that you can enjoy going into any restaurant, bar, club, or party without feeling left out or deprived because you’re not drinking. Minor, moderate, and severe withdrawal symptoms typically begin about 6 hours after the last drink is consumed.

Therapy is effective in helping people quit, as is medication prescribed by a healthcare provider. If your goal is to quit drinking, do you want to gradually reduce the amount of alcohol you consume over time or give up drinking all at once? There’s no right answer, but you should go into quitting with a roadmap for your journey ahead.

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